Autumn Quarter 2022
1.5 credits, weeks 6-10 (Nov 3 - Dec 6)
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Times: 1:40-3:00
Place: Fred Hutch B1-076 (Weintraub building)
A five week graduate survey course concentrating on biochemical mechanisms of gene transcription. The course will cover broad range of transcriptional regulation including: Mechanisms of transcriptional initiation (Steve Hahn); Regulation of transcription by chromatin (Toshio Tsukiyama); Chromatin dysregulation in cancer (Sita Kugel); Chromatin control during infection (Daphne Avgousti.
Lecture dates, topics and lecturer are listed below. Copies of all the readings are available in the eReserves (select the tab above).
Lecture slides will be ready for downloading by the day of the lecture and can also be found in eReserves.
A copy of the entire lecture schedule is available for download above.
RNA polymerases and regulation by phosphorylation
Steve Hahn
Transcription elongation and regulation by Polymerase pausing
Steve Hahn
Transcription initiation, promoters, and TBP-DNA loading mechanisms
Steve Hahn
Enhancers, coactivators, transcription factors, and gene activation/repression
Steve Hahn
Homework#1 to be handed out (due 11/22/22)
Chromatin and Transcription: General Overview
Toshi Tsukiyama
ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factors
Toshi Tsukiyama
Homework #2 to be handed out (due 12/6/22)
Chromatin control during infection
Daphne Avgousti
Chromatin dysregulation in Cancer
Sita Kugel
Topic: CONJ 537 Mechanisms of Transcriptional Regulation
Time: Dec 6, 2022 01:40 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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•Homework #2 due
Course Organizer:
Toshio Tsukiyama, Ph.D.
Additional Lecturers:
Steve Hahn
Sita Kugel
Daphne Avgousti